12Box Model Business Analysis
With only 12 themes in one model we are able to describe an organization's decisions about the future on a strategic, tactical as well as operational level. This unique method is obvious to use before, during and after a large business transformation. The 12Box Model fits perfectly into all well-known strategy and project management methods as a stepping stone between strategy and execution.
Builds on Experience
All 12 themes in the 12Box Model are defined from well-known business methodologies and easy to adopt into strategy and project tools already known in the organization. The 12Box Model does not replace tools, but strengthens other tools by creating high quality input in the scoping phase of a sprint or a project.
Strengthen the Business
All 12 themes are placed in a clearly defined structure. The triangle mirrors the organization with the Customer Dimension to the right, the Product Dimension to the left, and the Management Dimension in the top. In all three dimensions the central theme is a process: Customer Journey , Service Delivery and Governance processes.
This well-defined structure and clusters of themes makes it easier to discover dependencies across silos in the organization.
Managed by a Change Sheet!
The Change Sheet is a central tool in our transformation tootbox. This is an obvious way to facilitate a transformation. We start defining the to-be and holding that up against as-is.
With the gap between as-is and to-be defined we can specify our to-do list, KPI 's, Values and Dependencies .
Our Course Book
The 12Box Model was developed by Palle Stenver (1957 - 2022). Palle wrote the book 5 Steps to Successful Business Transformation back in 2020. We are using this book as background material at our workshops and courses.